Felicity Darkness
There once was a girl named Felicity Darkness,
Twice she was compromised in all her starkness.
At times she’d fizz like cherryade shaken up inside,
It would then appear upon her face so there was nowhere it could hide.
This would happen once a week, sometimes even thrice,
Apart from her austerity, this was her only vice.
She was a good soul, her demeanour quite pleasing,
Except to her peers who resorted to teasing.
She’d manage her day, routine would never change,
To all those around her, she’d appear slightly strange.
Unnerving to some, to others erratic,
Boring to the majority and really quite static.
But inside Felicity, there was a deeper meaning,
Her honesty and integrity were really quite esteeming.
In time her little quirks became rather endearing,
Instead of irritating, by example she was steering.
The cherryade was locked away, no longer fizzing up,
Controlled by milder countenance, it remained securely in its cup.
The darkness of Felicity was fading into light.
And now to see Felicity, is a lovely sight.