Dearest Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a sheer pleasure to make your acquaintance. Thank you so much for visiting my shop. Here I am, in my pop up gallery, sitting at the beach in the north of Spain.
But what am I all about you may wonder?
Well, painting for me started around about the time I was living in Seville, Spain. I was going through a particularly dark period and so my paintings would all come out really heavy and dramatic. I would see visions or colours with the aid of music, thanks to Synesthesia, and so thought I’d project these images to get rid of any of the hurt/anger/frustration I was feeling inside. This was such a release and so I went with it. It was my form of therapy. And still is.
I have always loved the arts of all forms. Music and dance being especially moving to me, so most of my paintings would picture dance artists or musicians. These seemed to resonate with many people who were suffering from a health problem, be it physical, emotional or mental. This, and the little push from a friend, spurred me on to do more and more. Just to know you’re not the only one suffering from a certain problem is a comfort in itself, so I wanted to help others see that in art form.
But what of the name, Ritxiart? I used to go under the name ‘Visions Exposed’, but found this to be too intense. I had passed that sullen period and felt like I needed something fresh.
My husband and I moved up to the Basque Country in the north of Spain. Itself a completely new experience from Andalucia. A much more reserved form of character to their southern companions but just as full of passion. Their language is so unique that no-one knows its origin. Words full of K’s and Tx’s. They use ‘tx’ to pronounce ‘ch’ and so Ritxiart was born. My wonderful, long-suffering husband changed my website to reflect the Basque font and here we are.
My aim is to create stories, poems, illustrations and my great love of impressionism to give people a hope. Yes, life isn’t too easy. Ok, we all have to live with so many things outwith our control, but good grief, we can get through it. And we can do it together.
So, let’s spread the positivity!
Commission are very welcome for any of your desires and are probably the most exciting, yet nerve wracking thing to do.
I hope you enjoy looking round my shop.
Lots of love